
Bin Store Replacement 
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal bin store.


Bollards Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the bollards.


Buildings Insurance 
Payable by all shared owners and leaseholders to cover the insurance for the building they own or part own. A copy of the insurance policy is available on request.


Car Park Resurfacing
Sinking fund for the eventual resurfacing of the car parking area.


Car Parking
Sinking fund for the eventual resurfacing of the car parking area.


Carpet Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal carpet.


CCTV Maintenance
The cost of repairing and accessing the CCTV system.


CCTV Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the CCTV system.


Cladding/Guttering Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the cladding and guttering on the property.


Cladding/Guttering/Roof Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the cladding, guttering and roofing on the property.


Communal Area Management
This is a percentage of the Technical Services Team staffing costs for management of the communal areas of properties.


Communal Cleaning
Costs of the communal cleaning carried out by CSL.


Communal External Window Cleaning
Window Cleaning

Costs of the communal external window cleaning carried out by CSL.


Communal Fence Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal fencing.


Communal Flooring
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal flooring.


Communal Internet
Ongoing costs of providing communal internet access. This is based on the invoices we receive.


Communal Painting
Sinking fund to cover the cost of the cyclical (usually 5 yearly) repainting of internal communal areas.


Communal Repairs
Responsive Maintenance

Cost of the responsive repairs carried out to a block or estate each year.


Concierge Service
The cost of the Reception service provided at Miners Court.


Council Tax
Annual Council Tax bill for a particular property.


Cyclical Maintenance
External Cyclical Maintenance
External Cleaning

Like a sinking fund, this item covers the regular (usually 5 yearly) works carried out to a block/estate, such as pressure washing and repainting.


Digital Inclusion
The provision of IT equipment for communal access to the Internet.


Door Entry
Door Entry Maintenance
Door Entry Repairs
Door Entry/Hard Wired Alarm

Repairs to and line costs for the door entry system.


Door Entry Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the door entry system.


Cost of the electricity usage for a particular block/property. This is based on the invoices we receive.


Electricity (Estate)
Cost of the electricity usage for a particular estate – this would usually apply to electricity costs associated with streetlights.


Environmental Maintenance
Covers, for example, pothole repair, graffiti clearance, removal of fly tipping, tree surgery and those other varied responsive estate maintenance costs that are for a communal area but are not specified in the GM contract.


External Maintenance

Cost of the external responsive repairs carried out to a block or estate each year.


Fence Maintenance
Cost of communal fence maintenance carried out on a particular estate each year.


Fence Replacement
Fencing Replacement

Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal fencing.


Fire Safety
Fire Safety Maintenance

Annual servicing, maintenance and fire risk assessment costs carried out to a block or estate each year.


Fire Safety Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the fire safety equipment.


Furniture & Fittings
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the furniture and fittings.


Cost of the gas usage for a particular block/property. This is based on the invoices we receive.


Gate Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal gates.


Ground Source Heat Pump Replacement

Sinking fund for the replacement of the shared pipework in the Ground Source Heat Pump array.


Grounds Maintenance
Cost of the grounds maintenance works carried out to a specific area each year. The GM maps (which are available on the Coastline website) show which roads/estates are included in each group and also detail the work carried out, such as grass cutting, hedge trimming and weed spraying of hardstanding. 


HM Phone System
Specific to the Homeless Service properties. This is the annual cost of the pre-programmed telephones installed in these properties.


Individual Stair Lift Maintenance
Annual servicing and maintenance costs for CHL-owned stair lifts in individual customers’ properties.


Intensive Housing Management
The staffing costs incurred in the provision of this service. 
For sheltered customers this is the Tenancy Management team costs for the OK Each Day service. 
For Homeless Service customers this is the Homeless Service staffing costs.


Intensive Housing Management (Night)
Cost of providing Homeless Service staff on call at night.


Internal Painting
Sinking fund for the cyclical (usually 5 yearly) re-painting of internal communal areas.


Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement
Sinking fund for the replacement of communal kitchen and bathrooms in Homeless Service properties.


Costs of the provision and maintenance of communal laundry services. Includes hire of the machine as well as any repair costs.


Lift Maintenance
Lift Servicing and Repair

Cost of the annual servicing and maintenance of communal lifts, including stair lifts. This also includes the lift phone line costs.


Lift Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal lift.


Maintenance Fee
Management Company

Annual fee charged by the Management Company of a particular estate. This is similar to a service charge but is not controlled by Coastline; we do not set the charges.

Management Fee
This item relates to the cost of managing the service charge process. It includes various elements, including staffing costs, printing costs, and associated overheads.


Night Security
Cost of the Night Security service provided to Miners Court.


Out of Hours Service
Cost of the CHL standby service.


Outdoor Furniture Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the outdoor furniture.


Property Communications Appliance 
Formerly called IHM Monitoring System and Intensive Housing Management. The cost of the OKEachDay service in Housing for Older Persons. This is made up of the cost of the unit and Tenancy Management Team time in dealing with enquiries and attending escalations. 


Play Equipment Maintenance
Servicing and maintenance costs for the play areas that Coastline is responsible for.


Private Sewerage
Cost for customers attached to the sewerage plants that Coastline owns and maintains. These customers only pay SWW for their water usage as they pay the sewerage element to Coastline. Sewerage charges for tenants have been “unpooled” this year so they now only pay an equal share of the plant they are actually connected to. Consultation was carried out. This brings them in line with leaseholders and freeholders.


Railings Maintenance
Annual cost of responsive maintenance of railings on an estate.


Replacement Courtyard
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the courtyard.


Replacement Fencing
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal fencing.


Replacement Fencing/Road
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal fencing and unadopted roads.


Replacement Flooring
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal flooring.


Replacement Gates
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal gates.


Replacement Path
Replacement Road/Paving
Road Replacement

Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal paving and roads.


Replacement Railings
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal railings.


Replacement Retaining Wall
Wall Replacement

Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal retaining wall.


Roller Door Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal roller door.


Sewerage & Environmental
Cost of the sewerage usage for a particular block/property. This is based on the invoices we receive from SWW.


Maintenance and electricity costs for streetlighting.


Through Floor Lift
Annual servicing and maintenance costs for CHL-owned through floor lifts in individual customers’ properties.


TV Aerial
TV Aerial Maintenance

TV aerial maintenance costs for individual blocks/estates.


TV Aerial Replacement
Sinking fund for the eventual replacement of the communal TV aerial.


TV Licence
TV licences for communal areas


Water Rates

Cost of the water usage for a particular block/property. This is based on the invoices we receive from SWW.


Water Safety
Annual water safety (Legionella) testing costs.


White Goods Replacement (Kitchen)
Sinking fund for the replacement of kitchen white goods in Homeless Service properties.


White Goods Replacement (Laundry)
Sinking fund for the replacement of laundry white goods in Homeless Service properties.

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